Woozworld's Survival Guide


Hello Friendz! So nowadays, woozworld is a bit messed up... hackers hack 

people every day, scammers scam everyone all the time, and bullyies.....well lets just 

say if bullyies could fly woozworld would be an airport. ALSO, if you want anything 

cool, you got to be VIP or buy from STORE.

So if you think that all I said is true, you're at the right place! Today im here to give 

you a lot of advice on 

1.  How to don't get hacked

     Well, if you dont want to get hacked on woozworld, you dont need to trust 

anyone on woozworld! Also a lot of woozen told me that they are receiving 

messages like:
'' Today is your lucky day! You just won one year VIP! Just give me your account for 

minutes and then you can log-in back!''
Those messages are fake.


What you've learnt from here?

2.  How to don't get scammed

     Woozworld is a game full of nice people trade scammers,so I think you need 

some tips on how to don't be scammed in trade:     
~If the woozen that trades you is giving you something that he/she is wearing that 

means it's fake;
~If you see that the woozen is putting something twice and removing the first one 

cancel the trade;
~If someone tells you that if you give him something rich for something poor and 

then you will get a rare thing later it's a lie;
~If someone wants to trade accounts with you report them,don't just ignore;
~Be careful what you trade:some people can tell you what they give is rare but it's not;
~Some woozens say they trade woozpets or unitz if you buy something .-. it sounds weird but it's true.
     There you go ^.^ ! Be careful who you trade : like if it's someone that has someone behind him screaming ''SCAMMER!!'' I wouldn't trade him :P

3.  How to don't get bullyied

     To be honest, here comes the big problem... But the question is: Why do we bully 

each other?
In my opinion I think if someone bully you, you will bully him too, right? And you will 

start bullying other people etc etc.
Ok so if you don't want to get bullyied:
~  Never start a fight
~  Be nice to other woozens
~  Never say bad words or insult a player
~  Never block someone's speak bubble
~  Try to help new players
~  Make a lot of good friends

So if you ever get bullyied, take a photo, ignore that person and report him/her
If you will start bullying that person too, he might say that you started the fight and 

you will get a possible ban if a mod would be in that unitz...

     So this is how to survive on woozworld! And don't forget: if you were hacked, 

scammed or bullyied don't quit woozworld! Be strong becouse it's just a game ;)
     If you liked this post please comment for more ideas! :D

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